Se Habla Español

The aftermath of a car accident is always a trying time. You don’t need the additional stress of wondering where to get treatment for the car accident injuries you’ve suffered. The doctors at Greater Austin Pain Center want you to know that we’re here to make things as easy as we can.

We accept personal injury referrals, and we have an outstanding track record of treating the auto injuries that frequently occur during motor vehicle accidents.

Common Auto Accident Injuries

  • Soft tissue injuries (whiplash)
  • Sprained/strained muscles
  • Herniated discs
  • Contusions and bruising
  • Concussions
  • Broken ribs

When Do I Need Car Accident Pain Management?

Common Auto Accident Symptoms

  • Increase in headache severity and frequency
  • Leg, shoulder, or arm pain
  • Knee/back stiffness or weakness
  • Muscular tension
  • Sensations of numbness, tingling, or weakness

During a car accident, your body releases adrenaline to prepare you for a perceived conflict.  For this reason, symptoms of auto accident injuries can take up to 72 hours to emerge.

Even if you aren’t experiencing auto accident symptoms, it’s a smart decision to seek car accident injury treatment before your symptoms become severe.

Austin’s Car Accident Injury Specialists

The doctors at Greater Austin Pain Center take a multidisciplinary approach to pain management. We don’t begin a tailor-made treatment plan until we’ve thoroughly reviewed your pain history. If you’ve recently been in an accident and are now suffering through chronic pain, we’re here to help. And now we’re easier than ever to reach, with locations in Austin, Kyle, San Marcos and Dripping Springs.

Dealing with the emotional and psychological effects of Texas auto injury is difficult enough. We’re here to make sure that car accident pain management is one less thing you have to worry about.

¿Ha tenido un accidente automovilístico?

Se Habla Español

Si usted o un familiar ha sufrido lesiones tras un accidente de auto, podemos ayudarle. Ofrecemos tratamientos para manejar los síntomas asociados con accidentes como:

  • Aumento de la severidad y frecuencia del dolor de cabeza
  • Dolor en las piernas, los hombros, o los brazos
  • Debilidad o rigidez en las rodillas o la espalda
  • Tensión muscular
  • Sensaciones de entumecimiento, hormigueo, o debilidad

En un accidente de coche, su cuerpo produce adrenalina para prepararse para el impacto. Por esta razón, los síntomas de lesiones pueden tardar hasta 72 horas en aparecer. Le recomendamos que busque tratamiento para sus lesiones si muestra síntomas o incluso si no. Buscar tratamiento puede reducir la probabilidad de que se vuelvan más graves.


"Truly exceptional doctor and staff. I felt Dr. Bednar’s compassion and kindness in every word and know that we have a solid plan to deal with the paralyzing pain so I can live again."

Carla M.

"Dr. Julia was not what I expected at this place. I could sense genuine concern for the chronic pains that I have suffered with for years. It was refreshing to listen to him explain the reasons for my pain, and that I could understand his explanations. I look forward to the next treatments he has planned for me, and the chance -hopefully- to get the pain under control. After nearly a dozen trips to ER this year, these solutions excite me."

Jesse S.

"Dr. Jarzombek is amazing! I love her sweet demeanor, knowledge, and caring personality. Her staff is attentive and do their due diligence to ensure the safety and well-being of their patients."

Barbara B.

Lunch & Learn With Our Doctors

Curious about interventive pain treatments in Austin, TX? Join our doctors for an in-person lunch and learn session to find out more about these treatments and ask any questions you may have. This event will be 12–1pm, sign up below to receive more details and RSVP.

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Take the First Step to a Pain-free Life.

People often experience different levels of pain that need different types of pain care management. We can help you find a customized pain relief regimen that addresses the root issues. Please contact one of our pain clinics in Austin, Kyle, Dripping Springs, and San Marcos today to schedule an appointment!

Schedule an Appointment

Relieve Your Pain Today!
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